
St Joseph's Catholic

Primary School

Following in the footsteps of Jesus, together we love live and learn.

Year 4




 Secure decoding of unfamiliar words

 Read for a range of purposes

 Retell some stories orally

 Discuss words & phrases that capture the imagination

 Identify themes & conventions

 Retrieve & record information

 Make inferences & justify predictions

 Recognise a variety of forms of poetry

 Identify & summarise ideas



 Correctly spell common homophones

 Increase regularity of handwriting

 Plan writing based on familiar forms

 Organise writing into paragraphs

 Use simple organisational devices

 Proof-read for spelling & punctuation errors

 Evaluate own and others’ writing

 Read own writing aloud



 Use wider range of conjunctions

 Use perfect tense appropriately

 Select pronouns and nouns for clarity

 Use & punctuate direct speech

 Use commas after front adverbials

Speaking & Listening 

 Articulate & justify opinions

 Speak audibly in Standard English

 Gain, maintain & monitor interest of listeners





 Know all tables to 12 x 12

 Secure place value to 1000

 Use negative whole numbers

 Round numbers to nearest 10, 100 or 1000

 Use Roman numerals to 100 (C)

 Column addition & subtraction up to 4 digits

 Multiply & divide mentally

 Use standard short multiplication

Geometry & Measures Compare 2-d shapes, including quadrilaterals & triangles


 Find area by counting squares

 Calculate rectangle perimeters

 Estimate & calculate measures

 Identify acute, obtuse & right angles

 Identify symmetry

 Use first quadrant coordinates

 Introduce simple translations


 Use bar charts, pictograms & line graphs

Fractions & decimals 


 Recognise tenths & hundredths

 Identify equivalent fractions

 Add & subtract fractions with common denominators

 Recognise common equivalents

 Round decimals to whole numbers

 Solve money problems




 Classify living things

 Digestive system & teeth

 Food chains


 Changes of state

 The water cycle


 Sound as vibrations

 Electricity: simple circuits & conductors



British History (taught chronologically) 

 Roman Empire & impact on Britain:

– Julius Caesar’s attempted invasion

– Roman Empire & successful invasion

– British resistance, e.g. Boudicca

– Romanisation of Britain

Broader History Study 

 Earliest ancient civilisations, i.e.

– Ancient Sumer;

– Indus Valley;

– Ancient Egypt; or

– Shang Dynasty of Ancient China


Art & Design (LKS2)

  Use sketchbooks to collect, record and evaluate ideas

 Improve mastery of techniques such as drawing, painting and sculpture with varied materials

 Learn about great artists, architects & designers


Design & Technology (LKS2)

  Use research& criteria to develop products which are fit for purpose

 Use annotated sketches and prototypes to explain ideas

 Evaluate existing products and improve own work

 Use mechanical systems in own work

 Understand seasonality; prepare & cook mainly savoury dishes


Modern Languages (LKS2)

 Listen & engage

 Ask & answer questions

 Speak in sentences using familiar vocabulary

 Develop appropriate pronunciation

 Show understanding of words & phrases

 Appreciate stories, songs, poems & rhymes

 Broaden vocabulary


Physical Education (LKS2)

 Use running, jumping, catching and throwing in isolation and in combination

 Play competitive games, modified as appropriate

 Develop flexibility & control in gym, dance & athletics

 Compare performances to achieve personal bests

 Swimming proficiency at 25m (KS1 or KS2) 


Computing (LKS2)

  Design & write programs to achieve specific goals, including solving problems

 Use logical reasoning

 Understand computer networks

 Use internet safely and appropriately

 Collect and present data appropriately


Geography (LKS2)

  Locate world’s countries, focussing on Europe & Americas focus on key physical & human features

 Study a region of the UK (not local area)

 Use 8 points of compass, symbols & keys

 Describe & understand climate, rivers, mountains, volcanoes, earthquakes, water cycle, settlements, trade links, etc.

 Use fieldwork to observe, measure & record


Music (LKS2)

 Use voice & instruments with increasing accuracy, control and expression

 Improvise & compose music

 Listen with attention to detail

 Appreciate wide range of live & recorded music

 Begin to develop understanding of history


Religious Education

 Continue to follow locally- agreed syllabus for RE