Maple children have been singing another classic nursery rhyme-Humpty Dumpty. They have enjoyed building walls for Humpty and then testing to see which was the strongest so it didn’t fall down. The children put their own ‘Humpty’s’ back together again and then all joined in to make a large Humpty display.
The children also enjoyed the paint drizzling. We covered the whole table in paper, coloured some glue and let the children drizzle away!
We have welcomed some more new friends into Maple room, who are settling beautifully and are enjoying the new friendships.
Maple joined up with Elm children for PE. We had the parachute out, after warming up we timed how long we could keep bouncing Humpty up and down on the parachute before bouncing him off high into the air!
Elm children are really enjoying their phonics and are very much invested in identifying the phoneme (sound) in the word. Thank you for your continued support in helping the children find artefacts that begin with the sound of the week.
As part of our Traditional Tales topic this half term, we have been reading the story of The Ugly Duckling this week. It has been a great opportunity to discuss how we are all different, unique and special. The children showed great empathy towards the little duckling in the story and were sad when the other ducklings were being unkind to him because he was ‘different’.
Elm children are enjoying having PE with Holly class and Mr Williamson on a Friday. This is excellent transition practise for the children, they are getting a taster of what it is like to be a reception child and they are developing a great rapport with Mr Williamson too. They have been showing their balancing skills on the apparatus and are showing us they are all little daredevils.
A great week for everyone -well done!