
St Joseph's Catholic

Primary School

Following in the footsteps of Jesus, together we love live and learn.

St Joseph's Uniform

School Uniform


Below is a list of current school uniform.  We now have two uniform suppliers, Kitz UK and Monkhouse. Items with the school badge such as jumpers, cardigans, ties and book bags are all available from either supplier, details below. Both offer online ordering, and Kitz UK also offers free delivery to school on selected dates.


Non-badged items are also acceptable, as long as they are in the correct school colours. Navy blue jumpers and cardigans can all be found in most big supermarkets, as well as from other online retailers. We also have a stock of good quality second-hand items in school. Please speak to the school office if you would like to buy an item, for a small donation.

If there's anything you're unsure about, please don't hesitate to ask at the school office.