
St Joseph's Catholic

Primary School

Following in the footsteps of Jesus, together we love live and learn.

W/C: 13th January

As part of our Traditional Tales topic this half term, we have been reading the story of The Ugly Duckling this week. It has been a great opportunity to discuss how we are all different, unique and special. The children showed great empathy towards the little duckling in the story and were sad when the other ducklings were being unkind to him because he was ‘different’. It was also a good chance for us to learn a bit about different birds and do a bit of bird-spotting, which is linked to their home learning this week. 


In maths, we continued to develop a really good understanding of numbers to 5 by finding one more and one less and recognising the corresponding numerals. Next week, we will be learning about mass and capacity, so lots of fun, hands on learning opportunities await! 



In phonics, we learnt the following sounds; the long sound oo (as in moon), the short sound oo (as in cook), ar (as in dark) and or (as in horn). Some words to practise reading and writing could be: moon, soon, boom, tool, loot, cook, book, look, too, park, dark, shark, mark, part, born, corn, for, horn and torn. We also learnt the ‘tricky words’, was, you and they.



In R.E., Holly Class did a fantastic job of acting out the Christmas story and showed how well they can remember the key parts of the story. It was like the nativity - part 2! We also talked about what we can do to help others feel part of God’s family. 



Despite the winter weather, we continue to enjoy lots of outdoor play, which is such an important part of children’s development. We especially enjoyed building obstacle courses and playing ‘the floor is lava’ - Mrs Langford came and joined in with the fun on one of the days too! 


We have begun the exciting year of the Jubilee 2025, also known as ‘Pilgrims of Hope’, which is a holy year in the Catholic Church that takes place every 25 years. The year is a time to re-establish with God, others and creation. As part of the celebrations, all children have now been allocated prayer partners with other, older children throughout the school and they first met this week to think of their own prayer together based on ‘hope’. Children have also been introduced to the Jubilee mascot, Luce (see picture). 


Finally, I am thrilled to say that Holly Class were joint winners of the attendance cup this week, with an amazing 100% attendance!! 👏👏👏👏 This is fantastic - let’s keep it up! 😊



I hope all of the children have had a restful weekend and we look forward welcoming them back to school tomorrow.
