This week, we’ve been absolutely loving the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff! The children have enjoyed painting pictures of the goats and the troll, acting out the story with puppets and trip-trapping over our bridge in our outdoor area. As part of reading our book of the week, we do something called ‘Drawing Club’, in which we talk about ideas based around what we’ve just read together and draw a picture to either predict, change or extend the story. Holly Class enjoyed seeing the troll being drawn covered in the slime they had chosen!
In maths, we have been learning about mass and capacity through story-telling, practical activities and play. We helped a little mouse called Albert to fill the empty pool he had in his beach. The children had to explore which vessel was able to hold and transport the most water. They did really well and realised that the one with holes was not a good choice at all!
In phonics, we have been learning the sounds, ur (as in fur), ow (as in cow), oi (as in coin) and ear (as in near). Words to practise reading and writing could be: burn, surf, turn, fur, now, town, down, cow, boil, coil, coin, fear, near, beard. Tricky words we have learnt are; my, by & all.
In R.E., We concluded our Christmas unit by ‘hot-seating’ children to find out why Christmas is important to them. It was lovely to hear their responses and how varied they were, ranging from opening presents, to spending time with family, to food to remembering the birth of Jesus. The children were very good at remembering key parts of the Christmas story and could order these parts correctly using pictures.
In PSHE we discussed what it means to be a good friend and the type of actions that friends should and shouldn’t do to each other. We listened to a story about Duck and Penguin, who weren’t being very kind to each other at first, but fortunately, they learnt how to be friends and be kind to each other. As part of our continuous provision this week. Lots of the children made friendship bracelets for each other, which was so nice to see.