Maple children had an old favourite this week - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
The children knew all the actions and danced around the room whilst doing the actions.
They have made star spiral twirlers which look lovely hanging up in the classroom. There’s been glitter stars, frozen stars and spotty stars. The children enjoyed using our new paint dabbers to decorate their stars we are going to hang in the room.
In maths the children have been learning about ‘collections’ and fewer than, more than and the same as. They have been collecting baskets of items and only by looking deciding which has fewer in, more in or the same amount (we made sure there were noticeable differences).
Maple and Elm have been working really hard on their nativity rehearsals. They are remembering more and more of the words to all of the songs now, as well as actions that go with them. Please can all requested clothes be brought into school by Monday at the latest. If you have any queries or problems with this, please speak with one of us so that we can help you.
As part of our 'Celebrations' topic, Elm have been celebrating 'weddings' this week their book of the week has been 'The Scarecrows' wedding'. The children have enjoyed designing wedding outfits for Betty and Harry (the scarecrows in the story), as well as painting colourful wedding cakes for them too. In maths the children have been concentrating on repeating patterns, they have focused really hard on copying the colours on the snake to repeat the pattern.
The children are getting very excited about Christmas, from December 2nd, they will be taking it in turns to open the Advent calendar, when they are chosen, their ‘prize’ will be put in their bag for them to bring home.
In RE they children have been talking about Getting Ready. This week we talked about getting ready for nursery, what order we get dressed, eat and get ready to leave. Next week we will be starting to talk about Advent -getting ready for the birth of Jesus.
Please continue to help the children practise their songs at home.
What a busy but happy week we have had.