
St Joseph's Catholic

Primary School

Following in the footsteps of Jesus, together we love live and learn.

W/C: 9th September

A big well done to all of the children in Holly Class for settling so well into school, I'm sure they will be glad of a rest this weekend. They have all had fun exploring their new learning environment and have enjoyed getting to know each other and the grown-ups in school. This week has largely been about gradually introducing the children to new routines within school and helping them to feel safe and comfortable in their new surroundings.


Our book of the week has been 'The Colour Monster', which has explored the different feeling we may have and why we may feel this way. Holly Class have enjoyed doing different activities relating to this, ranging from drawing, painting and colour sorting. The also took part in their first P.E. lesson with Mr Williamson on Friday, which was a great success as children enjoyed getting involved and exploring some of the apparatus in the hall.


Next week, the children will start their daily phonics lessons. This is very exciting as it means that they are beginning their journey in learning how to read and write. More information will follow about this in due course, including about how you can support your child with this at home.

Thank you for all of the sharing books that have been returned. Mrs Park will be changing these books each Friday, so please can they be returned to school on this day each week. Children will also take a 'Home Learning' book home with them each Friday. There will be a short task/activity in their books for them to complete at home please (with your support). Please can children's completed home learning be returned to school each Thursday to allow time for marking and new a new home learning activity/task to be stuck into books. As well as Home Learning books, children will also be taking home a zipper wallet containing phonics cards for the sounds we have been learning in school that week. These will be a very useful resource as you can use them to help your child practise their phonics sounds at home.


Please can I ask for children not to bring their own toys into school. I appreciate that they love to show their toys to their friends, although it can result in a great deal of distress when toys become lost, broken or other with children wanting to play with them. Thank you for your cooperation with this.


Please can I also ask for parents/carers to send their child into school with a warm coat as the weather seems to have taken a more autumnal turn and we do spend quite a bit of time outdoors each day.

Lastly, please remember to check your child's book bag each day as this will be how we pass on any letters or important information to families at home.


Have a great weekend and we will look forward to seeing you all again on Monday.
