A very warm welcome to Holly Class (Reception Class) from Mrs Wilford (Class Teacher and EYFS Lead) and Mrs Park (Teaching Assistant).
This year is such a wonderful time in your child's learning journey and carefully builds on any prior life or learning experiences they have so far. We love to get to know all of the children and families really well in Holly Class and pride ourselves on building nurturing relationships, built upon mutual respect and trust. Getting to know all of the children so well, enables us to create a wide range of learning experiences which will engage and motivate them to learn in many different ways.
We love reading and believe developing a love of books is fundamental for young children. This is why our EYFS curriculum is based on key books which capture children's interests and imagination. Within our curriculum, children learn through adult-led and self-initiated activities. We have daily phonics and maths teaching inputs, as well as other teacher-led inputs such as Religious Education and other topic-based learning, linked to our current themes. For some of the day, children will be learning through play during continuous provision. This is when adults carefully plan and enhance the learning environment with resources and activities that will help children to develop their knowledge and skills and make progress in their learning. This time also allows adults to spend quality time with children in a playful way, whilst helping to develop their language and understanding, as well as their personal, social and emotional skills.
Children in Holly Class have dedicated time each Friday to develop their physical skills and fitness with Mr Williamson. This is either through P.E. (which may be indoors or outdoors) or Forest School, which takes place in our own wonderful, on-site Forest School area. We also have daily access to our Early Years outdoor classroom, in which children can explore, build, climb, balance, problem-solve, team-build and more!
We have a very precious class bear, called Rainbow Bear, who loves to help us learn, Each week, Rainbow Bear helps to choose our our 'Star Learner', meaning that they will be awarded a special certificate in our celebration assembly on Fridays. The Star Learner in Holly Class will also get to take Rainbow Bear home over the weekend. Rainbow Bear loves children to add to her adventures in her special journal. Children love sharing these adventures with the class each week, which really helps to develop their confidence too.
We hope that you can gain a sense of all we do in Holly Class and the fun we have together, by looking through our class page. If you ever have any questions at all, no matter how big or small, please do get in touch.