
St Joseph's Catholic

Primary School

Following in the footsteps of Jesus, together we love live and learn.

W/C: 10th February

Well, we’ve made it to the end of another half term, which means that we are half way into our school year! I’m not quite sure where the time has gone, but I do know how much progress all of the children have made, not just in their academic learning, but also in the way they have become friends with each other and how they are all a key member of the St Joseph’s school family. 


We concluded our Traditional Tales topic with the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, which was another firm favourite. We have had lots of fun talking about slightly different versions of the story, as well as the children joining in with key phrases throughout. On Wednesday, we acted out the entire story together, which showed great confidence from the children and was lots of fun too. One of the children’s favourite parts of the week, was when ate porridge for snack, which was a real hit with most of them! They also loved making clay bowls for baby bear, which they should have brought home with them now for you to see. 

In maths, we have been consolidating our learning about pairs and odd/even groups and most of the children have really gotten the hang of this now. Thank you for all of the home learning posts of Tapestry you have shared with the socks last week, I really do love seeing children’s learning in action at home. We have also begun to learn about doubling, which links to their new home learning challenge this week. We talked about how doubling means that we have to add the same amount again. Again, this can be done practically at home with socks, sweets or anything the children wish to magically be doubled (although maybe not their pocket money)! 😁

We have had review week in phonics this week, which means we have been reviewing some of the preciously taught sounds that needed a little more input. I have also been assessing children’s phonics to see how they are doing and establishing what they need to practice a little more. All children that require a little more practice will be given time for some extra phonics in school each day with Mrs Park. The phonics practise they do at home really does make a difference too.


In R.E. this week we have continued our learning about baptism. We are hopefully going to be going into church soon to meet with Fr Naz to learn more about this (we wrote him a letter last week), although for now, we watched a video about it and then had a go at performing our own baptism with a baby doll. The ‘font’, water, shell and baby were left out in provision afterwards and it was so lovely seeing many of the children act out their own baptisms afterwards. They were even remembering to say the special words, ‘In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.’


Lots of the children and parents have been asking about ‘Show and Tell’. I will draw up a rota after half term for each child to have a turn at bringing one special thing in from home to show the class and talk about. Please can I ask that children do not bring in any toys etc from home at any other time. Thank you for your support with this.


Please can I gently remind parents and carers that children should be in class by 8:50 at the latest. I appreciate that there may be the odd times we may all be late. However we are having more and more children trickle into class after the bell, which is causes quite a bit of disruption for them and for the rest of the class. This also means that they miss out on their daily ‘morning mission’ task, which is a part of their learning they do each day as soon as they come into school. Children are allowed to come into class from 8:40, but should all be in by 8:50 please. The outside gate is only left open as younger children in preschool may start up to 9am. Again, thank you for support and cooperation with this. 

After half term, it will be back to Forest School with Mrs Williamson on Fridays. Therefore, please can all children come to school suitably dressed, with wellies (and waterproofs if possible). Please refer to my previous letter about exact clothing requirements. 

Finally, I just want to wish you all a very happy half term. I hope you all have a great week and that all of the children enjoy a lovely rest. We will look forward to seeing you again on Monday 24th February.
