
St Joseph's Catholic

Primary School

Following in the footsteps of Jesus, together we love live and learn.


A huge welcome from the PTFA!

Read on to find out more about our work, events coming up, minutes of meetings, copies of letters and how you can help.

St. Joseph’s has an active Parents Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA) that supports the Governing Body and school life as a whole.

Throughout the year, the PTFA organise a range of events for children and adults with both social and fundraising elements. These events support and enhance the education of the children at St. Joseph’s and  provide opportunities for our community to socialise and have fun together. All monies raised during events are used to purchase equipment and resources for the school.


The PTFA is an inclusive group and we always welcome new members – we are glad of any help that you wish to offer. New ideas for events and activities are always welcome. If you are unable to attend meetings or work full/part time, or you have younger children but would like to support an event in any capacity, please let a PTFA committee member know. You can get more details and contacts from the school office, or email


We look forward to hearing from you.

Contact form

If you able to help with or at any of our events, have ideas to share or would like to know more about our future meetings, please do fill in the form below.
