Our book of the week has been, Little Red Riding Hood, which is another traditional tale that the children have really enjoyed. They really especially enjoyed the part where the wolf was in disguise as 'Granny' and tried to eat Little Red Riding Hood! We came up with some fantastic ideas linked to the story during during 'Drawing Club' and children wanted to send the wolf out into space, so that he was far away from Little Red Riding Hood and her granny!
It has also been poetry week in school this week and all of the children had a go at writing their own acrostic poem based on the colour 'red'. As a class, we thought of different things which began with the sounds 'r', 'e' and 'd' for each line of our poem. It was fantastic to see how well lots of the children applied their knowledge and understanding of phonics to write words within their poems. I was so pleased with the end result and their poems are going to be proudly displayed in class for all to see.
In maths, we have been learning all about making 'pairs' of objects and how we can do this to find out whether a group is an odd number or an even number. Quite a lot of the children found this quite tricky to grasp at first, but seemed much more confident by the end of the week. Their home learning task is linked to this and will be interesting to see how they get on with this.
In PSHE, we learnt about making 'good choices' with our friends and the importance of saying sorry if we have done something to upset them. Children had to help out Hetty the Hen and Freddy the Frog (puppets) as they were not finding it very easy to be kind to one another or to say sorry.
In R.E. we have begun to learn about baptism and together, we wrote a letter to Fr Naz asking him if we could please visit the church soon to learn more about it. There is still time to send in any photos of your child being baptised if you have any please, as this would be a great way of prompting discussion and making our learning more meaningful and relatable.
In phonics, there have been no new tricky words introduced and we have been focussing on learning to read and write longer words using the sounds we have learnt already. If we are reading or writing a longer word, such as 'laptop', we tell the children to 'chunk it up' into syllables (or claps). For example - 'l-a-p' = lap and 't-o-p' = top. Put the chunks together = laptop.
It is our last week before the half term break, which means that the children can have a well-deserved rest.