
St Joseph's Catholic

Primary School

Following in the footsteps of Jesus, together we love live and learn.

Wk bg: 3rd February 2025

Miss Polly had a dolly and Jack and the Beanstalk

Elm class’ book of the week has been Jack and the Beanstalk and Elm Class have begun to germinate their own beans, in the hope of growing their own beanstalks. It will be exciting to see what happens to the beans over the next couple of weeks.  The children had a go at making their own story maps based upon what we could remember in the story and the order the events happened.


The children role played the story using resources in the room and enjoyed a Jack and the beanstalk yoga session.


Maple children have continued to learn the nursery rhyme Miss Polly had a dolly, we have talked a lot of words which nearly sound the same -rhyming words and the children have been learning the actions to the rhyme.  The doctors surgery has continued to be a success.  The children have enjoyed washing the dollies in soapy water and drying them and even made a pasta necklace for Miss Polly’s dolly to wear.


In maths we have been talking about prepositions -words to describe the location of an object eg:  the doll was in front of the box, behind the box, on top of the box, inside of the box, by the side of the box and in between the boxes.  We played games like Simon says so the children could practise moving their dolls into the given location.


Continuing with the location in space theme, we played the ‘Beans game’ with Elm children.  We wobbled like a jelly bean, ran like a runner bean, went in circles like a baked bean, shivered like a chilli bean, stood as wide as possible for a broad bean and sounded French for a French bean.  Everyone had great fun and also improved their listening skills
