We’ve had such a lovely week and it has been so nice to see how quickly all of the children settled back in after the Christmas holidays. They have enjoyed seeing each other again and have had lots to talk about with all of their different experiences during the holidays.
Our new topic this half term is ‘Traditional Tales’ - please see our curriculum letter on the school website (on our class page) for more information about what children will be learning. We have started with the story of The Gingerbread Man and the children soon got into the swing of joining in with repeated parts of the story; Run, run, as fast as you can….!
We have been kindly donated a puppet theatre, which has gone down very well the children and they have loved creating their own puppet shows this week. Children have also enjoyed creating their own gingerbread men and learnt how to use split pins to give their gingerbread man moving parts.
In phonics, children have learnt the sounds; ai, ee, igh and oa. Three have been no new tricky words introduced this week. Using their phonics cards, children could have a go at making/ reading the following words to help reinforce these new sounds: rain, pain, wait, meet, feet, peel, high, right, night, goat, boat, moan. New reading books will go home on Monday for children who usually have them.
In maths this week, we have been learning about ‘0’ and how this means ‘nothing’. We have also been consolidating our understanding of numbers 1-5. Their home learning task this week links to this.
Although it might seem a little strange, we teach children about the Christmas story in R.E. after Christmas. We began this week by talking about what the children already know and how this linked to the nativity play we did, including the songs we sang. They had some great initial ideas and we will continue to build upon this over the next couple of weeks.
Holly Class really enjoyed their P.E. Lesson with Elm class and Mr Williams and got to try out lots of different ball skills.
In our PSHE lessons this half term, we will be talking all about relationships and what it means to be a good friend and be kind to others. We listened to a super story called, Have You Filled Your Bucket Today?, which is all about filling each others’ invisible buckets with love and kindness. We continued this by trying to fill a huge Holly Class bucket with acts of kindness over the week, which I, thrilled to say we achieved easily. Well done Holly Class - keep up these important acts of kindness as they make all the difference to you and your friends.