
St Joseph's Catholic

Primary School

Following in the footsteps of Jesus, together we love live and learn.

W/C: 23rd Setember

It’s been a very busy week in Holly Class and I’m so pleased to say that it ended on a real high as the children enjoyed a film with popcorn this afternoon as their reward for filling up their star jar. This is our class reward system, in which children have earned a star in the jar for making a ‘good choice’. It was a real team effort, which meant they then voted for the reward they would like to do the most. They had lots of great ideas, such as a party, tea party, playing games, racing, but the ‘film’ received the most votes. We have now moved onto using a slightly larger reward jar for the class to work together to try and fill, this time with pom poms. I know we can do this Holly Class!


We have been doing lots of practise for our ‘autumn show’, which will take place before the scarecrow trail on Wednesday at 2pm. The children from Elm, Maple and Holly class have been singing the songs together beautifully. Holly class are also acting out a little story for you to see too. This is based on our book of the week, ‘The Scarecrow Who Didn’t Scare.’


In phonics this week, we have been learning the sounds, i, n, m and d. Please continue to support your child’s learning with this at home using the phonics cards in the zipper wallets and the home learning letter formation in their books.


In maths, we have continued exploring sorting objects into sets and thinking about the rule for the sets we make. We have also been using the words ‘more’ and ‘fewer’ when comparing the amount in each set.

In R.E. We have begun to learn about the Bible story or Creation. Children have been sharing their ideas about who they think created the world and how this may have been done. They enjoyed listening to the story or Creation and have had a go at sequencing the story in the correct order themselves.


We had a visit from our priest, Father Naz yesterday. This was a lovely opportunity for the children to meet Father Naz, ask him questions and tell him all about themselves too. Father Naz has invited us to go and visit the church soon, which we are very keen to do. ☺️


Please can children bring coats into school every day as the weather is getting colder and in true British style, is very unpredictable.


Lastly, please can Home Learning books and phonics wallets be returned to school every Thursday. Sharing books will also need to be returned every Friday please. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to send home a new sharing book unless the previous one has been returned.


Thank you for your support and cooperation. Have a great weekend!
