It’s been another fantastic week in Holly Class and the children are settling in so well in such a short space of time. Each day, we can see them remembering routines and joining in with school life more and more.
We have been thinking about our families this week and children have been drawing pictures of their families, as well as sharing photos and memories in their Family books with the grown ups in Holly Class and their peers too. This has linked nicely to our book of the week, ‘We are Family’, which has helped to prompt discussions about how we spend time with our families at home.
We have started our daily phonics lessons, which are going really well. Already, the children have learnt 4 sounds; s, a, t and p. To help reinforce this learning at home, children have a ‘home learning’ task in their books to practise these sounds (phonemes) and the letters (graphemes) used to represent them. Although this is not compulsory, it would really be beneficial to help consolidate the learning they have been doing in school. Please can these be returned to school by Thursday. On Monday, children will also be sent home with a zipper wallet containing sound cards for the sounds they have been leaning in school. These cards can be used to practise saying the sounds, as well as using the to arrange and build simple words (such as sat, pat, tap).
In maths, we have been learning about matching and sorting pictures and objects. We have explored things that are the ‘same’ and how we can find similarity between objects when sorting them into a set. For example, these are all red/big/small/smooth etc. we will continue to explore sorting more next week. This is something you could practise at home with your child too and might even help when they are their toys away!
In R.E., we have asked children to talk about who/what they think God is and they have given some thoughtful responses, which we will continue to build on in the coming weeks. Next week, we will begin to explore the ideas around ‘creation’.
Have a great weekend and we will see you again on Monday. 😊