
St Joseph's Catholic

Primary School

Following in the footsteps of Jesus, together we love live and learn.

W/C: 21st October

Phew…. We have made it! I’m sure the children are more than ready for a well-deserved rest during the half term break. Not only has it been their first half term in school, it has also been an extremely long one. I would like to say a big WELL DONE to all of the children in Holly Class for settling in so well, making new friends and learning so many new skills already. 

We enjoyed discovering the beauty of autumn in all its colour by going on a leaf hunt and creating our own autumn leaf pictures using paints and wax crayons. Our outdoor area looks magical at the moment with its thick blanket of autumn leaves covering everything. The children have loved playing with these and have enjoyed adding them to their recipies in our mud kitchen. 

This week we have been learning more about numbers 1, 2 and 3 by exploring one more, one less and how these numbers can be made and represented in different ways. Maths learning in the reception year is always very practical and we have lots of fun learning about new concepts through games, stories and songs and well as more focussed activities. 


We haven’t learnt any new sounds in phonics this week as it has been an ‘assess and review’ week. This routinely happens every 6 weeks and the children are  assessed to see what they remember and do with their existing phonics skills. This is really important as it means that we can quickly put extra help in place to help them to try and fill any gaps they may have in their learning. It is also a good opportunity for us to go over previously learnt sounds and words as a class.


Our book of the week has been, ‘A Superhero Like You’ by Dr Ranj. The story explores how the little girl, Lily, wants to be a superhero when she grows up, but not the sort that wears pants on the outside of their trousers! She is thinking about being a ‘real-life superhero’ that helps people, like a doctor, fire fighter, teacher, vet, recycling collector etc. The children really enjoyed thinking and talking about what they would like to be when they grow up and have drawn some lovely pictures to reflect this. Their ideas included a whole range, such as doctors, artists, dancers, paramedics and more! 


In R.E. This week, we began our first lesson by thinking about what kind of a friend would God want us to be. It was lovely to hear the children’s responses to this and it confirmed how far they had all come since the start of term. In their second lesson with Mr Williamson, they delved a little deeper to explore more about our class saint, Saint Francis of Assisi, who he was and why he is so special. 


Children’s home learning task this week is a chance for you and  your child  to reflect upon the many achievements they have accomplished in their first half term at school. These are not stuck into home learning books as I would like to put them up in the classroom as part of a display please. Thank you.


After half term, we will be starting our new topic, ‘Celebrations’ and of course, we will begin to start thinking about our Nativity show - how exciting! Hopefully you have all received the letter about Forest School replacing P.E. on Fridays after half term. Please remember that children should wear their Forest School clothing to school every Friday, bring wellies (and waterproofs if possible, although we do have spares) and that they do not need to bring their school uniforms to change into afterwards. 

I’d like to finish off by saying how lovely it was chatting with you at parents evening this week and thank you for all of your continued support in the partnership we have between home and school. This really is the key to success for your child. Have a lovely half term and we’ll see you all again on Monday 4th November! 😊 👋 
