
St Joseph's Catholic

Primary School

Following in the footsteps of Jesus, together we love live and learn.


Welcome to Sycamore's Class Page- Year 3/4


Sycamore class are reading The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo, about an extraordinary rabbit owned by a girl called Abilene. We have bought in our own precious items to inspire our own writing!


Year 4 have been learning about factor pairs in the new year. We have used counters to make arrays to find a range of factor pairs for the same number.

Christmas 2024

The children thoroughly enjoyed decorating the Christmas trees in school and Sycamore Class made their own rare indeed decoration in DT!

B Ware author visit!

The children thoroughly enjoyed their visit from B Ware talking about her new book. We made our own creative ideas and adaptions with different characters and plots. This has inspired us to write our own stories!

Geometry Workshop with Mr Ede

The children thoroughly enjoyed a geometry workshop with Mr Ede, a retired maths teacher, who set up a fantastic range of puzzles for the children to solve. They all worked brilliantly together to solve each one!

Autumn 1- The Vikings!
We have been loving our first history topic of the year. Take a look at some of our learning and amazing homework!

Maths- Place Value with ordering and comparing numbers!
