Welcome to Sycamore's Class Page- Year 3/4
DT- Functions of Fabric
For one of our Curriculum theme days in July, we explored all the different types of fabrics. As a class we discussed the advantages and disadvantages of natural and synthetic fabrics from around the world. The children learned how to thread a needle and practice running stitch!
Gymnastics Festival
We had great fun at the gymnastics festival held by Dysons at the end of April! Take a look at our coordination, balance and flexibility skills!
Summer half term- Seasonal Food!
Sycamore class have been learning all about different seasonal products from the UK. We have also been exploring where other foods come from around the world. Look at our fabulous cookery skills!
Spring 1- Romans!
Sycamore Class have learnt so much about the Romans. We studied the different social classes, rehearsed Roman numerals, made mosaics and learnt about Roman God and Goddesses. Look at our amazing chariots!
RE- Special Roles and Responsibilities
We had a lovely visit from Fr Naz in the spring term to learn all about his special role and the responsibilities that he has in our parish. The children enjoyed asking him a range of questions!
Talk 4 Writing with instructions- How to wash your elephant!
In Autumn 2, we have been creating our own media in computing, recording our own voices!
Autumn 1- The Stone Age!
We have had so much fun learning about the Stone and Bronze Age this half term. We have read Stone Age Boy and learnt about the Stonehenge!