
St Joseph's Catholic

Primary School

Following in the footsteps of Jesus, together we love live and learn.

W/C: 27th January

We’ve had another busy week of learning and fun, which has been extra special as we have celebrated Chinese New Year (Lunar New Year) too. The children really embraced this and were keen to learn more about why it is celebrated and loved doing the different related activities on offer such as making dragon masks, money wallets,  colourful lanterns and play dough snakes (as it is the year of the snake). They also really enjoyed trying some Chinese food of noodles, sweet and sour sauce and even tried eating it with chopsticks! One of our lovely members of Holly Class very kindly talked about how she celebrates this at home too and brought in some lovely decorations to show us that her family hang on their door. 

Our book of the week has been Jack and the Beanstalk and Holly Class have begun to germinate their own beans, in the hope of growing their own beanstalks. It will be exciting to see what happens to the beans over the next couple of weeks. We had a go at making our own story maps based upon what we could remember in the story and the order the events happened.


In maths, we’ve been learning about numbers 6,7 and 8. We have practised finding one more and one less in a practical way and during one of our lessons, we had a go at finding different objects around the classroom to make a collection of 6,7 or 8. 

In R.E. We have started to learn about baptism in our new unit of work. If your child has been baptised, it would be really great if you could please send in some photographs of this for them to share in class. These can be printed photos in book bags or pictures sent in electronically via email (  to the school office or via Tapestry please. 


In PSHE children have been learning about sharing and taking turns and why it is good to do this. In general, children are getting much better at this in Holly Class and know to use a sand timer if they are waiting to take turns with something, which is really great.


We have now finished learning all of the sounds in phonics that we are going to learn in Holly Class. Children will learn new sounds in Year 1, but these will be alternative graphemes (letters which represent sounds) to the phonemes (sounds) we have learnt so far. For example, they will learn different ways of representing the sound /ai/, such as ‘ay’, eigh’, ‘a-e’ and so on. This means that for the rest of the time in Holly Class, children will focus on using the sounds learnt  already to read and write longer words and sentences. There will also be some new ‘tricky words’ that will be introduced too. This week, children have learnt the last two sounds, ‘er’ (digger) and ‘air’ (chair). We have also  been learning how words with double consonants make just one sound (for example, bb, dd, ff, ss). The tricky words we have learnt are as follows: are, sure, pure. 
