
St Joseph's Catholic

Primary School

Following in the footsteps of Jesus, together we love live and learn.

W/B 6th May

The Very Busy Spider part II.

With the weather being so gorgeous this week we made the most of it and have been in the outdoor classroom every chance possible.

It has been lovely seeing the children work in teams and independently, using their imagination with the different resources we gave them.


Whilst outdoors we we also creating independent works of art ready to be displayed outside Waitrose. We started with some tube painting creating flower beds followed by bees and butterflies. The children loved painting in the fresh air.


We are particularly proud of Wednesday’s Elm children, they accompanied Holly children in their class assembly. They stood up and sang Incy Wincy Spider for the rest of school and their parents. Well done Elm children, you were amazing!


In between slathering up for the sun, Elm children continued their research into spiders. They are continuing with role playing the story of The Very Busy Spider and have created some amazing spider paintings.


We imagine the sun won’t last, however, please have a named sun hat and sun cream in the children’s bag, or you are welcome to leave them at the nursery - just in case the lovely weather continues!
