
St Joseph's Catholic

Primary School

Following in the footsteps of Jesus, together we love live and learn.

W/B 17th June 2024

Pitter patter raindrops.

Maple children thought it funny that our nursery rhyme this week was about rain drops falling when the weather was so sunny. they liked the repetitive 'pitter patter' lyrics. The children felt as though it sounded like music, so we got the musical instruments out and the children tried all the instruments to see which they thought sounded like rain drops. They thoroughly enjoyed themselves with the instruments.


In maths the children were using the language of size, we played some games where the children were given an object and they had to find another object that was taller or shorter, bigger or smaller than the one in their hands. To find out if items were heavy or light we used bucket scales, the children learnt that heavier objects pushed the scales to the table whereas lighter objects 'flew' up in the bucket!


Elm children joined Maple children in a dance session, everyone had great fun using ribbons and bean bags.


Thursday was class photograph day, all the children looked splendid and hopefully we were all smiling with our eyes open at the right time!


Since we have been lucky with the weather, we have all spent a lot more time outside. It is great seeing Elm and Maple children working in teams together. They have made their own trampoline out of milk and bread grates, a river for the plastic ducks and have watered all the plants - numerous times!


As the weather looks as though it is going to get warmer - please ensure your child comes to school with sun cream already applied and they have a sun hat and sun cream in their bags please. Fingers crossed the sun does shine!


Next week is our sports day on Thursday 27th June, if your child does not attend on a Thursday they are still invited to attend - however, their adult will need to stay with them for the duration of the morning.


Afterwards, you are all invited to stay for a picnic lunch with your child, this will end at 12.30pm.  Adults are welcome to take their child home whether it is their day to stay or not. Of course, we appreciate many of you will need to return to work, so if your child is normally booked in for a Thursday afternoon session, we will still be 'open for business'. We look forward to seeing you all on Thursday, fingers crossed for a dry day!
