
St Joseph's Catholic

Primary School

Following in the footsteps of Jesus, together we love live and learn.

W/B 20th May

The Very Greedy Bee

Elm children were reviewing all their sounds taught so far.  They have worked so hard and their determination is playing off.


This week when they were saying hello as the register was said the children decided they would like to think of dinosaurs beginning with their initial sound of their name.  They were very good at helping each other when someone was struggling to think of a dinosaur name.


Both Maple and Elm children were finding out about bees this week, they found out about the different sorts of bees and fascinating facts like the buzzing sound the bees make is due to their wings flapping  200 times a second!


Elm children read the story The Very Greedy Bee and Maple children learnt the rhyme Here is a Bee Hive.

All the children enjoyed making bees and they loved using their fine motor control skills to pick the tiny bees up out of the honeycomb with tongs -it took a lot of concentration.


Everyone's favourite activity by far was PE, they became bees and learnt a bee dance, the music was very catchy and was being hummed for most of the day.


The weather has been quite dry again, so the children we keen to be it side as much as possible.  We saw a lot of imagination and teamwork happening.  A lovely end to this half term - happy half term!
