
St Joseph's Catholic

Primary School

Following in the footsteps of Jesus, together we love live and learn.

W/B 13th May

The Very Quiet Ladybird.

Elm children were busy doing all things ladybirds this week.  They enjoyed listening to The Very Busy Ladybird and The Bad Tempered Ladybird.

The children are reviewing all their phonemes taught so far, it's amazing to see how far they have all come, they are blending  CVC (consonant vowel consonant, c-a-t) words with ease.  One of their favourite games they like to play is True or Tricky,  they have three phonemes, this weeks were z, ch and v, they had pictures of a zoo, zebra, cherries and volcano, the children had to say what the picture was, what it began with and which phoneme it should be next too. The children are very good at this game and always put the pictures next to the correct phoneme.


On Friday the children joined Holly class for PE, they played team games outside and thoroughly enjoyed.


Both Elm and Maple children have been busy creating some art work ready for display outside of Waitrose.  We will keep you informed of when they will be on display.


We were lucky with the weather again and once SATs were finished for the day we went into the outdoor classroom.  The children are really enjoying drawing with the chalk and are continuing their teamwork when building obstacle courses.


At the end of the day, the children have been taking part in musical movements, it has been a good exercise and helping them to listen whilst following specific movements.
