
St Joseph's Catholic

Primary School

Following in the footsteps of Jesus, together we love live and learn.

W/B 26th February 2024

We have continued to explore our dinosaur topic this week and each day have learnt about a different dinosaur. We have thought about what they eat, whether they were herbivores or carnivores and sorted out the models in the small world into different groups. We have been ordering numbers, using this theme to keep it exciting and embed this learning in our play. We have been strengthening our finger this week by making fossils from play dough and clay. We are looking forward to finishing them next week when they are fully dry.


Due to the weather, we had an extra PE session this week, and started to play tennis. There were some great rallies developing. We managed to have a muddy walk in the afternoon, when it brightened up slightly and looked at the pond and natural spring areas in the grounds. 
