
St Joseph's Catholic

Primary School

Following in the footsteps of Jesus, together we love live and learn.

W/B 25th September 2023

What a very busy week we are having, as well as lots of fun in the classrooms and outdoor areas, we are also practising for our Harvest Festival - Our Scarecrow Trail.  So far we have had a giant scarecrow and a tiny scarecrow appear.  We are looking forward to seeing all the children's scarecrows as they come into school this week and next. 
The children loved the Owl Babies story, we all felt very sorry for Bill the youngest owl as he missed his mummy so much when she was out hunting for food.  We have ordered the owls in size order and have created some beautiful baby owls.  In PE we had the apparatus out, the children showed us different ways to travel across the benches and beams and showed us how high they can climb and jump on the trampoline.  We have also been drawing who cares for us; at home, at school and everywhere.  When we were counting, the children were able to tell us how many children we have, then how many adults and combining to find the total.  We counted the amount of owls we had, it was ten, then some owls flew away, so we had to find which numbers were missing and where they 'go' in the numberline. 
We are excited to practise our harvest songs and can't wait for our grown ups to come and join us next week.
