
St Joseph's Catholic

Primary School

Following in the footsteps of Jesus, together we love live and learn.

W/B 20th November 2023

The children have enjoyed pretending to take a ride on a train this week, from the peep peep of the horn to the clackety clack as the wheels turned around.
The Maple children made a train and carriage and used different markers to fill them with their favourite colours.
Elm and Maple children joined together in PE for an obstacle race-everyone had great fun.
Elm are stunning us all with their fantastic sound recognition and blending.  Every day they are practising counting out amounts, deciding if a number is more or less than a given number and solving verbal number problems.
We have started to join Holly class to rehearse our Nativity.   Everyone is going around school singing the songs and the children have started asking lots of questions about the Christmas story and baby Jesus.  We have begun reading Christmas stories which has sparked their imagination and has fed into their free play.
Please carry on reading daily with your child and taking opportunties to encourage counting everyday objects and hearing the initial sounds in words.  Above all else, enjoy the beautiful renditions of our Nativity songs.
