
St Joseph's Catholic

Primary School

Following in the footsteps of Jesus, together we love live and learn.

W/B 20th November 2023

This week we are sharing the story Whatever Next. The children have enjoyed retelling it with props in the book corner and remembering the story sequences. This is a lovely and engaging way to improve their comprehension skills and to boost their joy of stories and reading. We have been making our own rocket pictures using the 3D shapes as stamps, exploring the differences between cuboids and cylinders. We have seen some fantastic writing this week and they have been using their phonics knowledge to write a list of the things they would take with them if they were to go on a trip to the moon. We thought about the wonderful things there are on Earth and what makes this planet different from the moon. This helped us to write our prayer of thanks in collective worship.

As part of the school's live simply award, Holly class have been thinking about all the things we are grateful for. We worked together to write our own prayer.

Forest school!
